2022-2024 Board of Directors

Chair: Mary-Anne Grafton, MSW- Supervisor at Lynnwood Senior Center

Mary-Anne received an interdisciplinary BA through WWU’s Fairhaven College and a master’s degree in Social Work Administration from University of Washington.  After engaging in work with mental health, homeless and 62+ HUD housing services, she’s been Lynnwood Senior Center Supervisor since 2006.  She says “I’m lucky to have worked in both non-profit and municipal environments as those systems impact senior center operations in different ways.” Mary-Anne is a lifelong advocate for social justice with a current focus on ageism, intersectionality, and senior centers being critical social infrastructure in our communities.  For fun, she volunteers in different capacities for area non-profits and curls up with her big, fluffy orange kitty known as Furfie.

425.670.5051 | MGrafton@lynnwoodwa.gov 

Vice Chair & Treasurer: Katelyn Perez- Coordinator at Ellensburg Adult Activity Center

Katelyn graduated from Central Washington University in 2019 with a BS in Recreation, Tourism and Events. After graduation, she started working for the City of Ellensburg at the Adult Activity Center as their Recreation Leader. In 2021, she was promoted to the Adult Activity Center Coordinator. She has enjoyed meeting new people and hearing all of their interesting stories! In her spare time, Katelyn enjoys playing with her chocolate lab, Mocha, making piñatas, sewing, painting, hiking, and camping.

509.962.7242 | perezk@ci.ellensburg.wa.us 


Secretary: Susan Kingsbury Comeau- Executive Director, Mt. Si Senior Center

Susan earned a BS in Marketing from University of Connecticut, a BA in Sociology from Hunter College, and a MA in Sociology from University of Washington. She says that learning is her happy place. Susan has worked in the non-profit industry nearly 20 years. Since 2015 she has served as the Executive Director of Mt. Si Senior Center, a nonprofit which, in addition to senior programming, provides public transportation throughout Snoqualmie Valley and affordable housing for seniors at its two apartment buildings. Susan has also served on numerous nonprofit boards, is currently involved in several local service organizations, and serves on the Non Profit Insurance Pool Board of Directors, and former Board Member of King County’s Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy Advisory Board. She is a passionate advocate for seniors and community involvement. Susan enjoys spending time with her son, working on her family’s genealogy, and solving murder mystery boxes with friends.

425-888-3434 ext. 150 | susan@mitsiseniorcenter.org 

Members at Large:

Kira Avery- Executive Director at Sno-Valley Senior Center

Kira has a BS in Human Services from Western Washington University (2013) and a Masters in Infrastructure Planning and Management from the University of Washington (2015). She’s been at the Sno-Valley Senior Center since March 2015 as the Program Coordinator, and then as the Assistant Director starting in June 2021. In January 2023 she transitioned to Executive Director. She lives in Covington with her husband of almost 10 years, Ben, and she enjoys puzzles, board games, and True Crime Podcasts (which helps her get through the drive to and from work).

425-333-4152 | kiraa@soundgenerations.org


Lori Nevin- Executive Director at Upper Kittitas County Senior Center

Lori’s background spans corporate and nonprofit sectors. She has a BS in Business Management, certification in Project Management, and a strong foundation in organizational leadership and strategic planning. Her roles have been in Public Relations, Software, and Aerospace industries. Throughout her corporate career, Lori remained active serving on nonprofit boards and volunteering. Lori now serves as the Executive Director of the Upper Kittitas Co. Senior Center, overseeing programs and services in a 250-square-mile rural area. Lori’s passion is creating community connections. She values collaboration and leaving this world a better place. Outside of work, Lori’s hobbies include sewing and trekking. Lori and her husband live on a small farm where they ride horses and garden.

509-674-7530 | centerdir23@gmail.com 

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